Sunday, November 29, 2009

..oh New York...Here I come! sometime between yesterday after church...and my whole entire life i have decided that next summer...summer of 2010...i am going to spend the summer in NY

Well it is a well known fact that I want to live in the big city one day...but once i decided that ecu was the place for me i decided that i set out on my harlem...bk...tribeca adventure after college...

...but no.... i am not gonna wait...right now at this very moment i am looking up summer internships and camp counselor jobs...(and prettyfying my tumblr) that i can do next summer...i want to be in that city so bad...and i just dont want to miss out on the life i want to live..and i just think it would be a great start to life at will signify my independenc...the goals i hope to acheive...and the life i want in the city sooner than later... mother and aunt think its unrealistic...and maybe it is...but i am a determine person...and i want to make this happen...i just dont want to be another kid stuck in durham...i mean i love it here...i love north carolina...but i feel like so far during my last 17 years i've been a "what if" and "if only" "almost" kinda girl...i want big things but i suck at making them happen...and i think that is one thing that i hate about myself...i am a super procastinator and my laziness often gets the best of me...but i want 2010 to be a new year and i want to live my dreams.

so f what any body going to do my my money..figure out the logistics and create a play for Marcella Runs New York mucho excited...and i love it...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

...whats my muthaf***n name

Im Real - Jennifer Lopez
i love this song! idk why...but i swear it will never get old.
so any who schools starts back tmrw...and im less than excited. i have to go to class tmrw afternoon 4-9...which is a really freakin long time...but then again its a pretty decent thing because there are only 3 classes left meaning...i can take this test and become a cna...which means more money. being poor is getting old man...really old. i mean at this current moment i have $82 to my name! i know man...its quite depressing. i mean at one time i actually had like over $500 dollars in my account.

that significant drop in number is due to the last payments i made on my class chipped in $150 and i paid the rest. it was likw 368.00 in all but i've seen the ring and it was worth it. although my mom thinks its stupid and sometimes i cant stand my classmates and that hell hole that i call my school...but i've had oodles of fun and good times in high school and i have met some good people....yeah sometimes i feel like i cant relate to any of those coons...and other time i feel like keeping my pimp hand strong on everyone in that school including the faculty...but i digress...i guess i want the ring to remember all the good things that have happend...but enough about that.

so my hair needed some major attention this weekend...but if you read above you will see that my funds are i tried that braid out thing aunt yah does...which really i guess i have found my new style for when i am broke. i really wish i could have went shopping this weekend...i am in need of some new clothes... what else: uhhh i finished reading "Derby Girl" yesterday night...its the book that Whip It is based off of. I LOOVVED! Whip was just sucj a great Derby Girl was ok...the movie basically follows the book...but i guess the delivery of the book just wasn't that great. it wasn't well written..but it still had a really cute story..and i probably would have liked it better if I hadn't seen the movie first.

some other things that went on this weekend:
spend the night at aunt dales yesterday...had fun between the hours of 9pm-3am
had 2 Mickey D's fruit parfaits
joined Tumblr...think it may be pretty cool
worked on my CNA project...its about amputations
watched a "Say yes to the dress" that
decided to broaden my music horizons more to include some more soul and indy rock bands
....hmmm and i think my first contribution to me and mattihas fashion blog will be "death of the hipster

oh and i just decided that i will start using proper grammar and sentence structure as i right this blogs...jeez it look horrible...all these misspelled words and capitalization in the middle of sentences and not at the beginning...yikes

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the ninja and the manequin mattias just texted relaying a message from kiah that we should go see ninja assassin at 5 although i am in the current state of broke, which i have been in for some time now...i will mak my way to this movie some kind of way.

im also excited because mattias and i are going to work on our blog brilliant mind thunk up the idea not too long ago that we should start a fashion blog together. we are gonna name our blog urban manequin....i was getting kinda tired of one day sale and think that we could do a super hot one together. we are going to the library to work on that around 3. only problem is its almost 2 and i am still in my jammys and have yet to clean my room which looking pretty atrocious.

after true life goes off i will definitely have to get off of this computer and go make my self presentable and clean my atrocity of a room....okay so bye.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

...he's tall enough

so janine showed me this video a couple days ago. its a short indie film that barry jenkins, the same guy who made "medicine for melancholy"

Its about interracial love..but at the same time not really. it is so beautiful to see the couple interact with each other. i am a lush for love stories and this one takes the cake. after all the failed relationships i see around me, seeing this cute little movie gives me hope that love is still alive. i've never been in a relationship and i see so many of my friends and people at school in stupid little immature relationships. i can't wait to find a super cool guy whos quirky and cute, and loves and respects me..and i wouldn't mind if he was an asian hottie.

on the note of interracial kills me when people make a big deal out of them. i think that it is so important to just find someone who loves you and really accepts you for who you are. that's why i get so pissed when i hear my mom say it kinda makes her cringe when she see's young upstanding black men marrying women who are not black...generally our white female counterparts. in this world we live in i highly doubt god is concerned with which race is procreating with which. i think he just wants his children to be happy and in a relationship that is built on trust, respect, and love for jesus. janine was telling me about her friends theory that in order to build strong black communities we need "strong black couples"....idk about that. i guess i see where shes coming from, but why does there have to be that division to create a strong black community. i think that the world needs to start focusing on building strong relationships that will last forever and set good examples for younger generations...rather than keeping it all in the family and maintaining our pure blood lines...idk maybe im naieve but i hope a beautiful relationship lies in my future with a man who truly loves and respects me and i dont care why his race

any who im off my soap box now...and after looking at this vid again i saw this other movie in the related vids looks really cute...

...why haven't I seen these movies

i am pretty much a self proclaimed movie buff among many other things..
and for some reason movie marathon has been on the brain recently.
so here is my list of movies i will be making a point to see sometime soon.

"Raising Victor Vargas"

I saw a still from this movie on another blog (The Clearance Aisle). I know I have heard of it before, but didn't really know what it's about. After seein the preview I have decided that I have to see this. It seems like a really cute love story which I'm always up for, plus I love things that talk about latino culture. the public library doesn't have it (those heffers) I guess I'll have to blockbuster this one.

"The Godfather Part II"

I started this movie some time ago, when I was really getting in to catching up on my classic movies. I never finished...i forget why, but it probably had something to do with overdue fines at the library or something. but i didn't get too far, and i really need to finish it. i love the first one. sonny corleone is a g!

"My Fair Lady"

to be honest I don't really know what this movie is about. I just know it has something to do with "the rain in spain..." and something along those lines. any who audrey hepburn is in it, and its a classic. it looks really sweet, and i almost rented it at the library( i spend quite sometime there) today, but for some reason i can't recall i didn't.

"Medicine for Melancholy"

I've been on this movie for a while now. I really want to see it. it's by this up and coming black director, berry jenkins, and it just seems so epic. idk maybe its because at heart i am the two characters(minus the premarital sex one night stands)...meaning the odd ball kid in a city i love and dislike at the same time. but i think its gonna be a good tale that addresses race relations and possibly urban development with a cover as a love i love how micah( the guy) is doing the finger tooth brush..

...thats all i can think of right now...but i did make a stop at the library today and picked up

-Gotham Knight ( an animated batman cartoon, haven't watched it yet, but im a little skeptical of its non DC animation)

-Half Nelson

-Guess Whos Coming for Dinner

-Just Another Girl on the I.R.T (and yes this title did help inspire the name for the blog)

Hi Hey there Hello again...

so i have tired of the Wonder Years thus "...Just Another Girl in Bull City" is born. Looking back I feel like I was kinda writing just to be writing. Almost like forcing my self or something. So with that being said I think that this blog is my rebirth...(corny I know)...from now on I will try to talk about things that are more relevant to me and actually blog more...I think it will be a good way to get stuff of my chest.

So once again with all that being said expect some good things to come...and excuse the blandness of the blog...its thanksgiving break so i will put some time into sprinkling my hott sexy over this blog.

Well anywho today was a pretty hectic day...I stayed up super late last night making my video for my advanced studies project. I was on top of things but than I kinda fell off because I was trying to put this vid together using Movie Maker, when I really need proffesional help. All in all it came about really good. I'm proud of it...even though there are a few hitches.
But I was like super grumpy this morning.
-for one thing I hate falling asleep in random places in my house during the night before I finish tending to pressing matters. somewhere around 5: 30am I woke up on my downstairs couch and I still hadn't uploaded my vid to youtube.
-2nd of all I don't like being woken up at the crack of freakin dawn to do some damn hip hop excercise video. this event took place sometime around 6:30am when my mother woke me up and reall expected me to do excercise with her and my sister, when im alread stressed about an unfinished project.
I was super pissed. but any way after some complaining, being pissed off, and eating no breakfast I made my way to school about 30 minutes late. It is a real shame that I have a problem getting to school on time even though I have late arrival. I am starting to think lateness is an inborn trait.
and another thing: so I know that I am in the "95 weight percentile" according to my doctor and yes I would like to do something about. I mean I had to get tested for diabetes, which results still have not come back, and that crap really freaked me out...but dang mom is it really neccessary for you to wake me up every morning to do callistinics and "sweat to the freakin oldies. Maybe its just because I'm not a morning person, or maybe its because I dont like being called fat "in a loving way"...or it could also be that I have a natural affinity to disregarding the words of incompetent people...i vote for the last one.
Well I Think I'm Done Here!
"They call me Dracula cause all I do is count Chips"...haha thats been stuck in my head all day