Saturday, November 28, 2009

...whats my muthaf***n name

Im Real - Jennifer Lopez
i love this song! idk why...but i swear it will never get old.
so any who schools starts back tmrw...and im less than excited. i have to go to class tmrw afternoon 4-9...which is a really freakin long time...but then again its a pretty decent thing because there are only 3 classes left meaning...i can take this test and become a cna...which means more money. being poor is getting old man...really old. i mean at this current moment i have $82 to my name! i know man...its quite depressing. i mean at one time i actually had like over $500 dollars in my account.

that significant drop in number is due to the last payments i made on my class chipped in $150 and i paid the rest. it was likw 368.00 in all but i've seen the ring and it was worth it. although my mom thinks its stupid and sometimes i cant stand my classmates and that hell hole that i call my school...but i've had oodles of fun and good times in high school and i have met some good people....yeah sometimes i feel like i cant relate to any of those coons...and other time i feel like keeping my pimp hand strong on everyone in that school including the faculty...but i digress...i guess i want the ring to remember all the good things that have happend...but enough about that.

so my hair needed some major attention this weekend...but if you read above you will see that my funds are i tried that braid out thing aunt yah does...which really i guess i have found my new style for when i am broke. i really wish i could have went shopping this weekend...i am in need of some new clothes... what else: uhhh i finished reading "Derby Girl" yesterday night...its the book that Whip It is based off of. I LOOVVED! Whip was just sucj a great Derby Girl was ok...the movie basically follows the book...but i guess the delivery of the book just wasn't that great. it wasn't well written..but it still had a really cute story..and i probably would have liked it better if I hadn't seen the movie first.

some other things that went on this weekend:
spend the night at aunt dales yesterday...had fun between the hours of 9pm-3am
had 2 Mickey D's fruit parfaits
joined Tumblr...think it may be pretty cool
worked on my CNA project...its about amputations
watched a "Say yes to the dress" that
decided to broaden my music horizons more to include some more soul and indy rock bands
....hmmm and i think my first contribution to me and mattihas fashion blog will be "death of the hipster

oh and i just decided that i will start using proper grammar and sentence structure as i right this blogs...jeez it look horrible...all these misspelled words and capitalization in the middle of sentences and not at the beginning...yikes

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