Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the ninja and the manequin mattias just texted relaying a message from kiah that we should go see ninja assassin at 5 although i am in the current state of broke, which i have been in for some time now...i will mak my way to this movie some kind of way.

im also excited because mattias and i are going to work on our blog brilliant mind thunk up the idea not too long ago that we should start a fashion blog together. we are gonna name our blog urban manequin....i was getting kinda tired of one day sale and think that we could do a super hot one together. we are going to the library to work on that around 3. only problem is its almost 2 and i am still in my jammys and have yet to clean my room which looking pretty atrocious.

after true life goes off i will definitely have to get off of this computer and go make my self presentable and clean my atrocity of a room....okay so bye.

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